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Sliding Scale

As a doula, I believe that all pregnant people who want support during their pregnancy and births should have it, regardless of how much money they make. I also realize that for many, that is easier said than done. Sliding scale options are one way that doulas can offer birth support to everyone. Our sliding scale takes into account oppression, systemic racism, and disparities in our community.

Consider paying less on the scale if you:

  • Are a person who experiences direct racism or via systemic oppression (are a black, brown, indigenous or otherwise non-white person)

  • Are someone with a disability

  • Are transgender and experience trans-related discrimination and/or violence regularly

  • Are gay/queer and experience related discrimination and/or violence regularly

  • Are a teen and/or still in high school

  • Are eligible for public assistance/do not have insurance

  • Have immigration-related expenses

  • Are a returning citizen who has been denied work because of incarceration history

  • Are giving your baby up for adoption

  • Are a single parent with other children/dependents

Consider paying more on the scale if you:

  • Own the home you live in

  • Have investments, savings, retirement or inherited money

  • Have little to no debt and/or a high credit score

  • Have private insurance

  • Travel recreationally

  • Have access to family money and resources in times of need

  • Work part time by choice

  • Have a salary job and/or a job that pays for benefits

  • Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender privilege, racial privilege, class background, etc. (even if you aren’t currently exercising that power) 

When you can pay more, you help everyone.
When you pay in the middle, you help to cover costs.
When you pay at the bottom, you’re letting your community help support you,
and that takes a lot of courage.

*This privilege-based sliding scale model is inspired by Birth and Beyond Birth Services*

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